When it comes to hair, each season brings its own challenges and difficulties. Where in the summer you need sun protection for your hair, hair care in winter is about protecting hair from the frigid elements outside and the dry heated air indoors. Here are some pointers to help tame your tresses in winter.
1. Cover your hair
Chilly winter winds can wreak havoc with your hair. So, use hats, scarves and mufflers to cover your hair when you go out of doors. Not only will this keep your head and ears protected, it is also important for hair care in winter. It protects hair from cold, drying winds and prevents hair from becoming dry and brittle.
2. Use a humidifier
If the outdoor winds take a toll on your hair, so does the dry, artificially heated indoor air. Using a humidifier may help here since it will help increase the moisture of indoor air. This prevents drying out of the hair and skin and prevents hair from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.
3. Shampoo with warm water
This tip for hair care in winter may be a bit difficult for those of us who revel in that hot shower on cold winter days – shampoo using warm or tepid water. Using very hot water to shampoo the hair is going to dry it out further, robbing the hair and scalp of natural oils and moisture. So try and keep the water tepid at least for shampooing. Also don’t shampoo too often; there may be no need in winter. Consider using a dry shampoo that needs no water.
4. Use winter specific hair care products
If your hair feels particularly dry and damaged in winter consult a professional and find out what specialized products will suit your hair. Moisture rich products, deep conditioning formulations or leave-in conditioners may work well for the winter.
5. Be kind to your hair
Leave the hot irons for special occasions only and try to avoid the chemical relaxers and rebonding appointments for a while since these can further damage dry and brittle hair. Instead treat your hair and scalp to some hot oil treatments, massages and so on to get improve circulation.
6. Deal with the static
One of the major problems you have to deal with in winter is static, and dealing with it should be a part of your hair care regimen in winter. Keep this in control with a hair detangler, a leave-in conditioner or an appropriate hair spray.